Exploring Xinjiang: A Journey Through Kashgar

InfoThis is a summary of the following YouTube video:

This is What It's Like in Xinjiang, China 🇨🇳

josie vlogs things

Aug 13, 2024


Travel & Events

Xinjiang's vibrant night markets and culture

  1. The narrator is visiting Kashgar, a city in Xinjiang, China, which is close to Tajikistan. They are staying in a homestay that they find very beautiful.
  2. The narrator plans to explore the local street food and food bazaar, noting that they have already visited for another channel and found it quite lively.
  3. Kashgar's streets are described as beautiful, with the sun setting late and rising early, making it bright even at 9:30 PM.
  4. The area is bustling with tourists, many with cameras, and local vendors selling various types of bread, including sesame and walnut bread.
  5. The narrator mentions that the part of the city they are in is very touristy and has been rebuilt, but they find the local markets more appealing.
  6. The markets are lively with children playing, shops open late, and vendors selling local honey, spices, and other goods.
  7. A local custom involves buying bread and lamb from different vendors and combining them with honey to make a sandwich.
  8. The narrator is fascinated by the local culture, including the sale of rocks and spices, and the vibrant atmosphere of the markets.
  9. They note the presence of a famous tea house where singing occurs, adding to the cultural experience.
  10. The narrator attempts to communicate in the local language, which amuses the locals, highlighting the cultural exchange.

Xinjiang's vibrant culture and lively markets

  1. The speaker finds the children in Xinjiang to be very cute and outgoing, often approaching and speaking to them despite the language barrier. This interaction is amusing as they cannot understand what the children are saying.
  2. The speaker is traveling through China, with Shanghai as their next destination. They mention being from Australia and having visited China the previous year, planning to stay for a month this time.
  3. The atmosphere in Xinjiang is described as lively, even at 10 p.m., with people everywhere and a bustling market scene. The speaker is amazed by the vibrant environment.
  4. The market in Xinjiang is filled with various items, including furry hats, spices, and traditional hats. The speaker is intrigued by the unique and diverse offerings, noting that they are unlike anything they have seen before.
  5. The speaker expresses a desire to spend more time in Xinjiang, as they are only there for 24 hours. They are fascinated by the local culture and the variety of goods available in the market.
  6. The market offers a wide range of food items, including bread, corn, and tea. The speaker notes the abundance of bread and the presence of a full lamb's head, highlighting the diverse culinary options.
  7. The speaker observes the presence of traditional lanterns and cameras in the market, adding to the lively and colorful atmosphere. They are impressed by the cultural richness of the area.

Exploring vibrant street life in Kashgar

  1. The narrator describes a bustling street scene in Kashgar, China, where various foods and activities are taking place. They mention Michael getting a kebab and express surprise at the variety of food available, including skewers and fruits like mango and rockmelon.
  2. The narrator interacts with locals, attempting to purchase pomegranate juice. They describe the process of using WeChat for payment and express their unfamiliarity with pomegranate, noting its sweet and tart taste.
  3. There is a lively atmosphere with dancing and people on segways, which the narrator finds exciting and reminiscent of their experiences in India. They express a mix of enjoyment and discomfort with the crowded and vibrant environment.
  4. The narrator reflects on the prevalence of people taking photos and videos, noting that while it can be overwhelming, it also indicates that locals are accustomed to being filmed. They express surprise at the number of videos likely produced in the area.
  5. The narrator encourages viewers to look up Kashgar on a map, highlighting its unique location and the novelty of the experience for those unfamiliar with the region. They express a desire to find more food amidst the vibrant street life.

Exploring Xinjiang's food and culture

  1. The conversation begins with a discussion about a sweet pastry that has sugar on it, which one of the speakers is interested in trying. They are unsure about the type of meat inside the pastry but are curious to taste it.
  2. There is a humorous exchange about the possibility of the meat being camel, and the speakers express their hope that it is not. They decide to try the pastry despite the uncertainty about the meat.
  3. The speakers notice the vibrant atmosphere around them, with people and buildings lit up, creating a lively environment. They comment on the presence of many people and the interest in travel among the crowd.
  4. A discussion about lamb ensues, with one speaker expressing reluctance to eat lamb because they consider lambs to be baby animals. They try to confirm if the meat is lamb by showing a picture of a sheep.
  5. The speakers interact with locals, including a friendly vendor and curious children. They note the friendliness of the people and the curiosity of the children, who are intrigued by their presence.
  6. There is a mention of the difficulty in learning the local language, Wier, despite having some knowledge of Mandarin. The speaker reflects on the challenge of remembering new words and phrases.
  7. The conversation ends with a light-hearted moment involving a child throwing a banana at the speakers, which they take in stride, appreciating the playful interaction.

Friendly encounters in Kashgar market

  1. The narrator engages with a local man in Kashgar, China, who is extremely friendly and hospitable. The man offers the narrator a taste of local food, which is an ostrich egg cooked over a fire.
  2. The narrator is impressed by the craftsmanship of tin and copper items, such as cups and teapots, available in the market. They wonder if these items are handmade, appreciating their uniqueness.
  3. The atmosphere in Kashgar is described as refreshing and different, with the narrator feeling a constant smile on their face due to the friendliness of the people and the beauty of the place.
  4. The narrator compares their experience in Kashgar to their first day in India, highlighting the novelty and excitement of being in a new environment after three years.
  5. The market is bustling with various foods, including bread with a yogurt-like sauce, beef jerky, and desserts like white chocolate with chocolate flakes. The narrator enjoys trying these local delicacies.
  6. The narrator notes the unusual daylight hours in Kashgar, with the sun setting around 10:30 PM, which they find fascinating and compare to their experience in Iceland where daylight hours were also unusual.

Exploring Xinjiang's culture and food

  1. The narrator describes the texture of the buildings in Xinjiang, noting that many are made of mud, reflecting traditional construction methods. This highlights the historical aspect of the area, which has seen changes over time.
  2. The narrator and a companion, Michael, explore local cuisine, enjoying lamb skewers and kebabs. The food is described as delicious, and the narrator expresses a fondness for the local people and their hospitality.
  3. The narrator observes that most tourists in Xinjiang are from mainland China and notes the language barrier, as few tourists make an effort to learn the local language.
  4. The narrator enjoys a cake-like dessert and shares a humorous moment about the cost of food, comparing it to prices in Australia.
  5. The narrator mentions the bustling atmosphere of the market, which remains busy late into the night, and plans to return to their accommodation, described as a homely place rather than a hostel.
  6. A coffee shop near the market is noted for its late hours, staying open until 2 a.m., adding to the vibrant night scene.
  7. A humorous incident is recounted where a man takes a photo of his girlfriend, inadvertently capturing the narrator in the background, leading to a light-hearted moment.

Exploring new places in Xinjiang, China

  1. The speaker expresses excitement about visiting new places after spending two years in familiar locations in Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand. This trip to Xinjiang, China, represents a fresh experience, reigniting their enthusiasm for travel.
  2. While exploring, the speaker encounters a coffee shop where they try a 'dirty chai,' a tea-flavored coffee with milk, which is different from what they are used to in Australia. This highlights the cultural differences and new experiences they are encountering.
  3. The speaker describes their homestay in Xinjiang, noting the unique features such as a twin bed, air conditioning, an open shower, and a terrace with pretty tiles and decorations. They appreciate the aesthetic and functional aspects of the accommodation.
  4. The speaker mentions their exhaustion after a day at the market, indicating a busy and engaging day exploring the local culture and environment. They note that the market was bustling until midnight, showcasing the vibrant nightlife of the area.
  5. The speaker encourages viewers to subscribe to their main channel for more content about the city and their travels, suggesting that additional insights and experiences are shared there.