Time Traveler's Evidence from the Future

InfoThis is a summary of the following YouTube video:

日本最神奇未來人!他不但穿越到了未來,甚至還帶回了證據! | 馬臉姐


Aug 16, 2024



Astronomer claims time travel during near-death experience

  1. The narrator introduces a hypothetical scenario where one wakes up feeling warmth and sees smiling relatives, only to be jolted back to reality by a near-death experience (NDE).
  2. Common elements of NDEs include seeing deceased relatives, dark tunnels, and mysterious lights, which are explored in the text.
  3. The main focus is on a respected astronomer who discovered two comets and the long-lost Swift-Tuttle comet, earning him respect in the astronomical community.
  4. During his NDE, the astronomer conducted scientific experiments and discovered the ability to time travel, leaving evidence across different time periods.
  5. He allegedly traveled back to the Edo period in Japan, inhabiting a poet's body, and wrote his name in an unpublished poem, which he later found.
  6. The astronomer also claimed to have traveled 500 years back to a shrine, signing a pillar, which was recorded in ancient shrine records as a divine message.
  7. The text notes that this individual experienced multiple near-death experiences, suggesting a recurring ability to explore time.

Munehiko's near-death experiences reveal futures

  1. Munehiko had three near-death experiences, each revealing different futures. The first experience showed him his own future, while the second revealed the future of all people.
  2. Munehiko is considered one of the most important near-death cases due to the extraordinary experiences he reported during these events.
  3. Born on June 4, 1954, Munehiko developed a strong interest in spiritual insight after witnessing a spiritual event in his fifth-grade year.
  4. He later joined the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. In 1976, after a night shift, he experienced severe abdominal pain, leading to his first near-death experience.
  5. Doctors extracted five kilograms of fluid from his abdomen, a significant amount given the average stomach capacity is about 1.5 liters.
  6. Munehiko was diagnosed with Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome, a rare condition causing severe intestinal blockage.
  7. Due to continuous fluid extraction, his weight dropped from 72 kg to 42 kg, causing severe dehydration and multiple organ failures.
  8. Doctors informed his parents that he had only a week to live, highlighting the critical state of his health.

Journey through a mystical afterlife experience

  1. The protagonist, upon realizing he has only a week to live, remains calm and lies quietly in bed, akin to a closed shop with its shutters down.
  2. He regains consciousness in a muddy environment, with only a faint light ahead, and begins to crawl towards it, discovering he is in a cave.
  3. Unable to stand, he crawls through the cold mud and eventually exits the cave, finding the outside world dim and foggy, with nothing visible except the light.
  4. He continues towards the light and reaches a wide river, suspecting it might be the mythical Sanzu River, which separates the living from the dead in Japanese folklore.
  5. The light is on the other side of the river, so he takes a wooden boat to cross it, and upon reaching the other side, he encounters a beautiful woman in a kimono.
  6. The woman, whom he does not recognize, warmly greets him and asks why he is there, but he cannot answer, and she invites him to join them by the fire.
  7. He realizes the light comes from a campfire, around which sit three people, including an elderly couple and his long-deceased cousin, leaving him stunned.

Near-death experience with consciousness transfer

  1. Two people, who haven't seen each other for a long time, are happily chatting and laughing together.
  2. A beautiful woman invites Munekhe Yan to follow her, but she suddenly disappears, leaving him confused.
  3. Munekhe Yan wakes up in a hospital room, realizing he might have died, but notices his body no longer feels pain.
  4. He tries to communicate with his mother but finds himself unable to move, and then experiences his heart and breathing stopping.
  5. Despite his physical state, his consciousness becomes clearer, and he observes the chaos around him as a third-party.
  6. Munekhe Yan's consciousness enters his father's body, allowing him to see through his father's eyes and reassure him that he's okay.
  7. His father later confirms hearing Munekhe Yan's voice during the emergency, strengthening his belief that his son would survive.
  8. After comforting his father, Munekhe Yan's consciousness moves to his grieving mother, attempting to console her.

Time travel and teleportation explored

  1. The narrative begins with a character, Muneh Yeyan, who experiences a peculiar situation where he speaks but his mother does not hear him, raising questions about the nature of communication with souls and whether possession is necessary to hear them.
  2. Muneh Yeyan suddenly thinks about his sisters and instantly teleports into a car where his sisters are present, with his brother-in-law driving at high speed towards a hospital. During this journey, he hears one sister crying and asking what to do, while another suggests contacting a funeral home, a conversation later confirmed by his sisters.
  3. This experience confirms to Muneh Yeyan that he can teleport to anyone he thinks of. Before this incident, he was reading Einstein's theory of relativity, which led him to wonder if he could also travel through time, given his ability to traverse space.
  4. Muneh Yeyan, an amateur astronomer, has read many scientific theories and acknowledges that his near-death experience contradicts scientific principles. However, he later discovers that what he saw during this experience not only aligns with science but also answers questions that science cannot.
  5. At the beginning of his book, Muneh Yeyan advises readers to set aside their prejudices and listen to his story, suggesting that they might gain unexpected insights.
  6. After confirming his ability to teleport, Muneh Yeyan recalls a mystery that has troubled him for over a decade. At the age of six, while playing by a creek with his sister, a stranger warned them of a rolling boulder, prompting him to push his sister to safety.

Time travel reveals self-saving paradox

  1. A man narrowly escapes a disaster and is curious about the stranger who saved him. He later realizes that the stranger was actually himself, having traveled back in time.
  2. The man, named Munehiyan, discovers his ability to time travel when he accidentally returns to the past and witnesses the event where he saved himself.
  3. He begins to wonder if he can also travel to the future, despite the challenge of not having a memory of future events to guide him.
  4. Munehiyan attempts to envision his future and suddenly finds himself in a room with people listening to a speaker, who turns out to be himself, indicating he will survive into the future.
  5. To leave evidence of his near-death experience, Munehiyan returns to the past and influences a poet to include his name in a poem, ensuring his story is recorded.
  6. The narrative draws parallels to a previous discussion about a Japanese person who unconsciously wrote something significant, suggesting a connection to time travel or premonition.

Time travel and mysterious influence

  1. The text discusses a mysterious figure named Munaiyan who allegedly traveled through time and left his name in various eras. This phenomenon is linked to a poem from the Edo period, where his name appeared unexpectedly, causing confusion among the poet's descendants.
  2. Munaiyan's name was found in a poem that was never publicly released, leading to questions about how it appeared there. The descendants of the poet were puzzled by the non-rhyming words left by their ancestor, which were later understood to be Munaiyan's name.
  3. The narrative suggests that Munaiyan, during a near-death experience, was unsure if his signature would persist through time. To ensure his presence was felt, he interacted with living friends, demonstrating his influence by possessing one of them.
  4. In a specific incident, Munaiyan allegedly possessed a friend at a gas station in Nagano Prefecture, causing the friend to mistake a truck driver for Munaiyan. This incident triggered a chain reaction, leading others to see the driver as Munaiyan as well.
  5. The text describes Munaiyan's amusement at the situation, but it ends abruptly with him feeling a sudden force pushing him, suggesting an unexpected consequence of his actions.

Time travel experience with evidence

  1. The protagonist, Mu Ne He Yan, experiences a near-death situation where he perceives crossing a boundary and finds himself back in the hospital room, witnessing doctors trying to revive him. He feels an urgent need to return to his body to verify evidence he believes he left behind.
  2. Upon re-entering his body, Mu Ne He Yan experiences an indescribable pain, confirming his revival. Hospital records indicate he was clinically dead for 30 minutes, though he felt as if he had been gone for several days.
  3. After recovering, he visits a friend at a gas station who confirms seeing him on a truck on April 10th, despite him being in surgery that day. The friend also mentions feeling weak and having headaches the next day, which Mu Ne He Yan suspects might be a side effect of his consciousness interfering with theirs.
  4. Mu Ne He Yan finds additional evidence, including a poem and signature he left, reinforcing his belief that his near-death experience was not a hallucination. This realization causes him concern as he recalls seeing not only his middle-aged self but also a vision of his much older self in the future.
  5. The future vision is described as a peculiar image, similar to an overexposed photograph, where he sees his elderly self. This experience raises questions about the nature of consciousness and the possibility of time travel.

Future is not predetermined

  1. The narrative begins with a scene where a character named 慕內赫燕 observes the universe through a telescope. On one side, children are playing, while on the other, a desolate street with collapsed buildings and a pungent smell fills the air. People are heard wailing, indicating a scene of destruction.
  2. 慕內赫燕 is puzzled by the contrasting scenes and looks up at the sky to determine which scenario might occur first. Surprisingly, the stars' positions and brightness are identical in both scenes, suggesting that these futures exist simultaneously.
  3. After much contemplation, 慕內赫燕 concludes that the overlapping scenes imply that the future is not set in stone, allowing him to witness two different versions of it. He begins to ponder how to steer the future towards a more favorable outcome.
  4. In 1994, 18 years after a near-death experience, 慕內赫燕 attends a forum on the future at Mount Koya. He feels a sense of familiarity despite it being his first visit. Upon seeing a red mural, he realizes it matches the vision he had during his near-death experience, confirming that the future he saw did indeed occur.
  5. This realization motivates him to actively seek ways to ensure a better version of the future. By July 2009, he discovers a method to influence the future positively. After recovering from a serious illness, he quits his job with the Air Self-Defense Force to focus on his health.
  6. 慕內赫燕 returns to his hometown in Nagano Prefecture, where he leads a double life. By day, he is an ordinary office worker, but at night, he ventures into the mountains with a telescope to observe the stars, often spending entire nights stargazing.

Munehayan's near-death future vision

  1. Munehayan became a renowned astronomer after discovering two comets, a rare achievement due to the difficulty in observing comets, which are small, fast-moving, and have unpredictable orbits. Many professional astronomers may never discover a single comet in their lifetime, highlighting Munehayan's exceptional skill in this field.
  2. His expertise in comet observation led to frequent invitations to share his astronomical knowledge worldwide. In July 2009, he led a team to Shanghai to observe a total solar eclipse, showcasing his active involvement in significant astronomical events.
  3. The day after observing the solar eclipse, Munehayan experienced severe abdominal pain, initially attributing it to food poisoning. However, while in an elevator, he began vomiting large amounts of blood, losing consciousness due to excessive blood loss before medical help arrived.
  4. During this near-death experience, Munehayan felt a familiar sensation and saw his own body, reminiscent of a previous near-death experience at age 22. This earlier experience left him with many unanswered questions and a desire to gather more evidence to prove the existence of near-death experiences.
  5. In this state, Munehayan found himself in a future version of Japan, where he observed advanced medical technology. People no longer needed medication for illnesses; instead, they entered a doughnut-shaped machine that used waves to treat diseases, a technology that is reportedly emerging in the medical field today.
  6. The narrative suggests that Munehayan's vision of the future included witnessing this machine, sparking curiosity and anticipation for further exploration of such advancements in upcoming discussions.

Time travel evidence through constellations

  1. The narrative follows a character named Munekhe Yan, who experiences near-death states multiple times due to severe medical conditions, including a stomach perforation leading to massive blood loss. Each time he is revived, he feels a sense of disappointment as he is pulled back from what seems to be an exploration of different times and places.
  2. During one of these near-death experiences, Munekhe Yan decides to leave evidence of his travels across different eras and locations. He chooses the Big Dipper constellation as his marker. The Big Dipper, composed of seven stars, appears close together from Earth's perspective, although they are actually quite distant from each other, some over a hundred light-years apart.
  3. The significance of the Big Dipper lies in its apparent stability over short periods, but over thousands of years, the positions of the stars change. Munekhe Yan uses this constellation as a 'time-space language' to prove his presence at various points in time, as the changes in the constellation's shape over millennia can serve as a timestamp.
  4. Munekhe Yan's travels include visiting the world before a great flood, suggesting he has witnessed significant historical events. This implies that his journeys are not just through time but also to pivotal moments in history.

Ancient civilization prepared for comet-induced rain

  1. An advanced ancient civilization was discovered, distinct from modern humans, with a high level of technology but a deep respect for nature. They built their cities underground to avoid harming the environment.
  2. Despite their subterranean lifestyle, they conducted agricultural activities on the surface in special areas, transforming barren lands into green fields. This not only provided necessary food supplies but also mitigated desertification risks.
  3. For transportation, they used UFOs, eliminating the need for roads that could disrupt ecosystems. This method preserved the natural landscape.
  4. While admiring this civilization, Munehiko discovered they were preparing for an impending event. Large quantities of materials were being gathered in city squares, and technicians were busy creating special devices.
  5. Further investigation revealed that the civilization had detected a comet approaching. Although it wouldn't collide with Earth, it would pass very close to the Sun, causing its ice layers to vaporize and release massive amounts of water vapor.
  6. The comet's unique composition would result in an unusually large release of water vapor, which Earth's gravity would capture as the comet's tail passed by, leading to unprecedented heavy rainfall.
  7. Ancient scientists predicted this deluge would last for weeks or even months, significantly raising surface water levels and causing mass extinctions of plants, animals, and dinosaurs.

Noah's Ark and Earth's moon origins

  1. The text discusses the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs, suggesting that ancient civilizations depicted them together. It implies that dinosaurs did not entirely go extinct but were affected by rising water levels and floods.
  2. Advanced technology was used to construct arks from wood to survive the great flood, with one craftsman inscribing the Big Dipper on the ark. This suggests multiple arks existed, explaining global flood myths.
  3. The Egyptian version of the Bible, the Cobrin, records multiple Noah's Arks, which surprises the narrator and provides a reason for widespread flood myths across different cultures.
  4. Upon investigating the cause of the great flood, the character Mu Neh Yan observes the sky and notices the absence of the moon, leading to the discovery that a comet was captured by Earth's gravity to become its satellite.
  5. Mu Neh Yan's understanding is challenged as mainstream science claims the moon originated from Earth 4.5 billion years ago, a time when Earth supposedly had no life. However, he observes life and civilization on Earth during this period.
  6. A mysterious voice reveals that the moon's composition differs from Earth's, supporting the idea that it is an external celestial body, not formed from Earth itself.

Five-dimensional world transcends individual consciousness

  1. The text discusses ancient civilizations like Greece and Central America, which reportedly described times without the moon, often dismissed as mythological.
  2. Munehayan shifts focus from the moon, realizing answers to his questions come from accessing a vast consciousness, not time travel.
  3. He explains our three-dimensional world, consisting of length, width, and height, with time as a fourth dimension, though invisible.
  4. Time is described as the process of an object moving from point A to point B, forming a four-dimensional world with space.
  5. The afterlife is described as a five-dimensional world, adding consciousness to the existing dimensions of space and time.
  6. In this five-dimensional realm, individual consciousness merges into a collective, termed as a 'vast consciousness' by Munehayan.
  7. Munehayan experiences this vast consciousness as a homecoming but chooses to retain his individual consciousness.
  8. This decision allows him to access the vast consciousness using his own awareness, leading to profound insights.

Understanding the universe's formation

  1. The concept of a vast consciousness is likened to a cloud or Akashic records, where Mune Heye acts as a computer accessing all information from the cloud, including past and future data. This means he doesn't time travel but knows everything by connecting to different people's consciousness.
  2. Mune Heye's first curiosity upon realizing his ability to know everything was to understand how the universe was formed. The scientific community believes the universe began with the Big Bang but hasn't explained why it happened suddenly.
  3. Mune Heye, using his ability, explored the state before the Big Bang, describing it as a perfect, calm state that he calls 'nothingness,' which is not empty but possesses consciousness.
  4. He explains that consciousness existed in a world without disturbances, like a stagnant pool of water. To introduce change, consciousness created 'channels,' akin to throwing stones into a pond, creating ripples.
  5. These channels introduced change, and the process of change is what we perceive as time.

Consciousness creates and alters reality

  1. The text describes a scene where calm water forms a vortex, leading to the appearance of particles that move towards the center and eventually cause an explosion. This explosion results in more vortices and explosions, illustrating a cycle of creation and destruction.
  2. The protagonist, 木內赫葉, is shocked by this observation, as it challenges his previous belief that the universe began with the Big Bang. Instead, he realizes that the universe originates from consciousness, which is the source of everything.
  3. The text references a concept discussed in a video about consciousness, suggesting that the physical world is a projection from a higher consciousness, which creates everything.
  4. The double-slit experiment is mentioned, where scientists found that photons behave differently when observed, showing particle characteristics when watched and wave characteristics when not. This implies that consciousness affects reality.
  5. The protagonist speculates that a higher-dimensional consciousness, possibly akin to God in religious contexts, could alter or even create the universe.
  6. In another book, 木內赫焱 expresses his inability to explain his near-death experiences with current science but remains convinced of their truth. He believes his mission is to convey the essence of life, which is interconnectedness.

Embrace your unique value and protect Earth

  1. Every life plays a unique role in the cycle of life, emphasizing the importance of returning to our true selves. No one is useless; everyone has their unique value and potential, which is the joy of life.
  2. Realizing one's value is part of protecting the cycle of life. Many may not know their talents, but there's no need to worry or rush. Through trying different things, people will eventually find their direction.
  3. The method to judge one's talent is simple: when you use your talent, you will experience unprecedented joy, fun, and fulfillment. Therefore, let go of concerns about success or failure and try what you want to do.
  4. A significant message from the speaker's father before passing was that the Earth is yours. He couldn't leave wealth but left the Earth, emphasizing the freedom to use it but also the responsibility to protect it as our only home.
  5. The phrase 'From today, the Earth is ours' deeply resonated with the speaker, highlighting the importance of remembering that despite current worries, we still have the Earth.