Close Call: A Lawn Care Nightmare

InfoThis is a summary of the following YouTube video:

The Firefighters said I was LUCKY TO BE ALIVE after this stupid MISTAKE!!!

Al Bladez

Aug 13, 2024


People & Blogs

Survived a dangerous lawn mowing incident

  1. The narrator, Z, describes a dangerous situation while mowing a yard, expressing relief at being alive after the incident. The experience was so intense that it left Z visibly shaken.
  2. Z introduces the video on their YouTube channel, explaining that they are working on a property with an eviction notice. Despite not having permission, Z decides to proceed with the lawn work before the rain arrives.
  3. The property is described as neglected, with overgrown grass, hidden curbs, and vines covering the house. Z notes the presence of debris and the need to be cautious with the mower.
  4. Z mentions this is their first project since undergoing surgery, adding a personal challenge to the task. They prepare to start the work by moving their truck.
  5. While taking before pictures, Z notices signs of someone possibly squatting in the house, which adds a layer of unease to the task. Despite this, Z decides to continue with the lawn work.
  6. Z interacts with a fan who recognizes them, adding a moment of levity amidst the tense situation.

Avoid live wires; ensure power is off

  1. The narrator begins by introducing themselves and meeting a fan named Jason, who recognizes them from their videos. They discuss the current project, which involves working on an abandoned property marked for eviction.
  2. The narrator encounters a dangerous situation while working on the property. They assumed the power was off and accidentally touched a live wire, which could have been fatal if not for the rubber insulation on their equipment.
  3. The narrator reflects on the close call, expressing shock and relief that they were not electrocuted. They emphasize the importance of being cautious around electrical wires, especially when they appear to be inactive.
  4. The narrator shows the audience the live wire they accidentally touched, explaining how it could have started a fire due to its contact with moss and other materials.
  5. The narrator realizes they might have cut the wire, which led to the power outage. They stress the importance of ensuring all power sources are turned off before beginning work to prevent accidents.

Avoid assumptions with electrical hazards

  1. The narrator describes a near-death experience while mowing a yard, emphasizing the danger of cutting through an electrical wire hidden by moss. This incident highlights the importance of being cautious and aware of surroundings when dealing with potentially hazardous situations.
  2. The narrator reflects on the incident, expressing disbelief and gratitude for surviving. They acknowledge the mistake of assuming the wire was not live and stress the need for greater care in the future.
  3. The narrator decides to leave the exposed wire as it is, recognizing the potential fire hazard it poses. They express concern about the risk of a fire starting due to the open connection and the wind.
  4. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, the narrator decides to contact the city for assistance. They call a code enforcement officer named Richard to seek advice on how to handle the exposed electrical wire.
  5. Richard advises the narrator to contact the fire department to address the open electrical connection. He provides guidance on the appropriate steps to take, emphasizing the importance of involving emergency services to prevent any potential danger.
  6. The narrator expresses gratitude to Richard for his help and acknowledges their luck in avoiding a more serious accident. They reflect on the importance of not making assumptions about electrical safety and the need to take immediate action in hazardous situations.

Mowing accident exposed live wires, firefighters responded

  1. Al was mowing a property when he accidentally cut a live power line, causing two wires to become exposed. This incident occurred at an abandoned house, and Al was unsure if any other houses lost power.
  2. After seeing a huge spark, Al realized the danger and felt lucky to be alive. He immediately contacted emergency services to report the exposed wires and ensure there was no fire hazard.
  3. The emergency operator confirmed that the wires were live and assured Al that the fire department would be dispatched to handle any potential hazards.
  4. Al remained on the property to ensure safety and was advised to call back if the situation worsened, such as if a fire started.
  5. Firefighters arrived to assess the situation, and Al explained how the wires were cut due to moss covering them, which he didn't see while mowing.
  6. Al expressed relief and surprise at not being injured, acknowledging the potential severity of the incident. He documented the situation with pictures to support his account.
  7. The firefighters noted Al's luck in avoiding injury, humorously mentioning that he might have lost his beard if things had gone differently.

Neglected yard almost caused a fire

  1. The narrator was mowing a yard they believed to be abandoned, which almost led to a dangerous situation. They were unaware of the potential hazards present, such as exposed electrical connections.
  2. While mowing, the narrator noticed two open electrical connections that could have sparked a fire if they had come into contact. This realization prompted them to be more cautious.
  3. The yard was heavily covered in moss, which concealed the electrical wires. This made it difficult for the narrator to see the potential danger, leading to a close call with the wires.
  4. The narrator was about to finish mowing and take a lunch break when they nearly hit a moss-covered wire. This incident was frightening and highlighted the need for caution when dealing with overgrown areas.
  5. The narrator expressed gratitude to the firefighters and code enforcement for their assistance and advice on handling the situation. They were relieved that no injuries occurred and that the power company was on its way to address the issue.
  6. The narrator captured the event on video, although the critical moment was just out of frame. They reflected on the scare and the importance of being aware of hidden dangers in neglected properties.

Survived a dangerous yard mowing incident

  1. The narrator had to pull over to handle a situation, inviting people to take pictures with them if seen in public, showing a friendly and approachable demeanor.
  2. They completed mowing a yard but left a piece of moss untouched because it posed a significant danger, almost causing a fatal incident.
  3. The narrator expresses gratitude for surviving the dangerous situation, indicating the severity of the incident.
  4. The yard work involved both positive interactions and some unfortunate events, suggesting a mix of experiences during the job.
  5. The narrator uses expressions like 'holy moly guacamole' to convey relief and surprise at the outcome, emphasizing the unexpected nature of the incident.