Ivanka Trump: Insights on Life and Legacy

InfoThis is a summary of the following YouTube video:

Ivanka Trump: Politics, Family, Real Estate, Fashion, Music, and Life | Lex Fridman Podcast #436

Lex Fridman

Jul 2, 2024


Science & Technology


  1. Ivanka Trump is introduced as a businesswoman, real estate developer, and former senior advisor to the President of the United States.
  2. The host, Lex Fridman, shares that he has become good friends with Ivanka over the past two years, bonding over their mutual love of reading philosophical works by authors like Marcus Aurelius, Joseph Campbell, Alan Watts, and Viktor Frankl.
  3. Lex describes Ivanka as kind, compassionate, and thoughtful, noting that she has been unfairly attacked in the past as a way to indirectly target her father, Donald Trump.
  4. Despite these attacks, Ivanka has responded with kindness and grace, never retaliating and continuing her bipartisan efforts and projects.
  5. Lex expresses his admiration for Ivanka, calling her an inspiration and stating that he is honored to be her friend.
  6. He also takes a moment to wish listeners in the United States a happy upcoming 4th of July, sharing his gratitude for the country and his life in it.
  7. The introduction concludes with Lex thanking his audience and introducing Ivanka Trump as the guest on his podcast.


  1. Ivanka Trump describes her early love for building and architecture, inspired by the New York City skyline. She recalls her youthful confidence and ambition to contribute to the city's landscape.
  2. Her passion for architecture is rooted in her love for art and expressions of beauty. She finds the combination of function and aesthetics in architecture compelling.
  3. Growing up in a family involved in real estate, Ivanka was positively influenced by her parents' joy in their work. She received renderings of projects from them, which fueled her interest.
  4. Ivanka highlights the multidisciplinary nature of real estate, involving design, engineering, construction, time management, and project planning. She emphasizes the importance of caring about details in long-term projects.
  5. The conversation touches on the unbridled ambition of youth and how it can lead to great achievements despite insecurities. Ivanka and the host reflect on the importance of maintaining that belief in possibilities.
  6. Ivanka appreciates the collaborative effort in architecture, seeing city skylines as visual depictions of collective ambition and dreams realized. She resonates with the description of architecture as 'frozen music.'
  7. She discusses the diverse architectural styles in New York City, from gothic to art deco to modernist, and the historical context of their development. She admires the competition between New York and Chicago in creating iconic skylines.
  8. Ivanka shares her admiration for the Tribune Tower in Chicago and its gothic style, which she finds awe-inspiring. She reflects on her experience working on Trump Chicago and the inspiration she drew from the Tribune Tower.
  9. The discussion includes the challenges and considerations in using reflective glass in architecture. Ivanka emphasizes the importance of examining materials closely and being realistic about the final outcome.
  10. Ivanka and the host agree on the necessity of balancing imagination with practical realities in architectural projects. They stress the importance of both dreaming and being grounded in the actual materials and context.

Modern architecture

  1. The discussion begins with the perception that modern architecture is often seen as boring and lacking soul and beauty. Ivanka Trump acknowledges this view but argues that exceptional examples of modern architecture exist, such as the Burj Khalifa and the Sydney Opera House.
  2. Ivanka highlights the innovation in modern architecture, mentioning robotic fabrication, 3D printing, and sustainable development practices. She references Neri Oxman's work at the intersection of biology and technology, aiming to create materials that biodegrade back into the earth.
  3. Ivanka discusses the rediscovery of ancient building techniques, such as self-healing concrete used by the Romans. This technique, involving volcanic ash and lime, is being revisited to address the failing infrastructure that relies heavily on concrete.
  4. Ivanka reflects on the psychological tendency to celebrate old architecture and criticize new developments. She notes that while some new structures may not stand the test of time, others will be celebrated in the future, similar to modern art and music.
  5. When asked what she loves about architecture, Ivanka emphasizes the importance of both beauty and function. She believes that form must follow function and finds beauty in how buildings are used and experienced by people.
  6. Ivanka appreciates the multifaceted nature of architecture, which involves construction, design, interior design, financing, and marketing. She finds it rewarding to see how people use and experience the spaces she has helped create.
  7. The conversation shifts to bridges, with Ivanka and Lex discussing the beauty and function of iconic bridges like the Brooklyn Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge. They admire the elegance and connectivity that bridges represent.
  8. Ivanka recalls learning about different types of bridges, such as cable-stayed and suspension bridges. She notes that the Brooklyn Bridge is an integral part of New York's architectural story and skyline.

Philosophy of design

  1. Ivanka Trump discusses her philosophy of design and building in architecture, emphasizing the complexity and challenges of redevelopment projects compared to ground-up construction.
  2. She highlights her work on the Old Post Office building in Washington, D.C., a Romanesque revival structure built in the 1890s, noting its historical significance and architectural features like thick granite walls and a massive atrium.
  3. Ivanka explains the meticulous process of restoring the building's exterior and the challenges of converting its dilapidated interior spaces into functional areas while preserving its original beauty.
  4. She describes the extensive planning and hands-on involvement required, including frequent trips to Washington to walk through the building and make detailed decisions about room layouts and configurations.
  5. Ivanka contrasts this approach with financial engineering in real estate, where the focus is on acquiring and flipping properties rather than investing time in design details.
  6. She emphasizes the importance of being physically present on-site to understand the structure and make informed decisions, drawing parallels to the practices of notable figures like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk.
  7. Ivanka concludes that a passion for the art and function of the project, combined with a commitment to precision, is what separates good design from great design.

Lessons from mother

  1. Ivanka Trump reflects on her mother's significant influence, describing her as a trailblazer in various fields including athletics, fashion, and real estate. She emphasizes her mother's adventurous spirit and ability to live life to the fullest.
  2. Ivanka's mother, an Olympic skier and businesswoman, balanced ambition with the ability to enjoy life. Ivanka believes her mother's disciplined athletic background made her value relaxing moments more.
  3. Ivanka shares memories of following her mother around the Plaza Hotel, observing her in construction meetings and job sites. Her mother was known for her joy, expressiveness, and strong opinions.
  4. Ivanka's mother grew up during the Prague Spring in 1968, a period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia that was crushed by the Soviet Union. This experience shaped her mother's love for freedom and capitalism.
  5. Ivanka regrets not pushing her mother to talk more about her experiences under communism. Her mother attended Charles University in Prague during the Prague Spring and was on the junior national ski team for Czechoslovakia.
  6. Ivanka's mother used to smuggle goods from other countries to give to local police officers in Czechoslovakia, showcasing her resourcefulness and ability to navigate difficult situations.
  7. Ivanka reflects on the toughness of previous generations, including her grandmother who survived the Holodomor and Nazi occupation in Ukraine. She believes hardship gave them a positive outlook on life.
  8. Ivanka discusses Viktor Frankl's philosophy from 'Man's Search For Meaning,' emphasizing that happiness can be cultivated regardless of circumstances. She believes the search for meaning in life is through relationships and experiences.
  9. Ivanka shares that her mother found joy in small things, like floating in the ocean. She believes struggle helps people appreciate what they have and develop deep gratitude.
  10. Ivanka's mother was a trailblazer in real estate, often being the only woman in the development and construction space. She was known for her exacting standards and ability to balance femininity with toughness.
  11. Ivanka's mother believed in 'pain for beauty,' often wearing uncomfortable but glamorous clothing. Ivanka, however, prioritizes comfort to feel confident and in command.
  12. Ivanka's grandmother, who helped raise her, now lives with her. Ivanka feels grateful to care for her grandmother, who was a major influence in her life and instilled a love of reading in her.

Lessons from father

  1. Ivanka Trump highlights her father's underappreciated sense of humor and love for music, mentioning his interest in Broadway musicals and his current hobby of DJing at Mar-a-Lago.
  2. She shares that her father instilled in her the importance of asking questions, especially to the right people, to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.
  3. Ivanka recounts a specific example from the Old Post Office building project where her father questioned duct workers about an expensive heating and cooling system, leading to a more efficient and cost-effective redesign.
  4. She emphasizes the value of a Socratic approach to questioning, aiming to simplify complex issues and find fundamental solutions.
  5. Ivanka discusses the benefits of flat organizational structures, as seen in companies like Elon Musk's, where direct communication between all levels can lead to rapid problem-solving and innovation.
  6. She notes the challenges of maintaining efficiency and meaningful feedback in large organizations, which often develop bureaucratic hierarchies that slow down processes.
  7. Ivanka mentions the necessity of having individuals who challenge the status quo and ask uncomfortable questions to drive progress and innovation, despite the resistance they may face.


  1. Ivanka Trump always loved fashion as a form of self-expression, influenced by her mother. Despite an initial career focus on real estate, she organically transitioned into fashion through a partnership in fine jewelry.
  2. Ivanka identified a market void for self-purchasing females in fine jewelry, leading to the launch of Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry. This success was followed by launching shoe, clothing, handbag, sunglasses, and fragrance collections.
  3. The brand positioned itself for the multidimensional woman, creating versatile clothing suitable for various aspects of life, from professional settings to personal activities. This approach made dressing for work aspirational and exciting.
  4. Ivanka's fashion brand grew rapidly, with products distributed at top retailers. The brand resonated with many women, who appreciated the feminine, beautifully designed, and affordably priced products.
  5. Ivanka emphasized the importance of having the right partners, likening shoe design to architecture. Her partner from Nine West Shoes contributed to creating comfortable, stylish, and affordable footwear.
  6. The creative process involved Ivanka acting as a conductor, refining her aesthetic point of view over time. She collaborated with partners to ensure cohesion across different product categories, ultimately leading the design direction.
  7. Ivanka highlighted the importance of having a great team with strong points of view. She hired talented designers, printmakers, and copywriters, creating a collaborative environment that contributed to the brand's success.
  8. The concept of taste and confidence in design decisions was crucial. Ivanka developed a strong sense of what resonated with her and had the confidence to make design choices, even when others disagreed.

Hotel design

  1. Ivanka Trump discusses her current project involving a 1400-acre island in the Mediterranean, where she collaborates with top architects and brands to create a unique hotel and villa experience.
  2. The project is in its early stages, with internal renderings and master planning underway. Aman will operate the hotel, and Carbone will handle food and beverage services.
  3. Ivanka emphasizes the importance of respecting the island's topography and vegetation, aiming to integrate modern design with the natural landscape rather than creating generic structures.
  4. She explains the concept of 'view corridors,' ensuring that each unit has an unobstructed view of the ocean, and discusses the challenges of building on a mountainside while maintaining harmony with the environment.
  5. The discussion touches on the logistical difficulties of transporting building materials to an island and the importance of thoughtful design to avoid creating 'quirky' or 'ridiculous' spaces.
  6. Ivanka highlights the significance of interior design elements, such as fabrics and colors, in adding warmth to modern structures, and the need for these elements to work in harmony with the architecture.
  7. The conversation also explores the broader aspects of hospitality design, including the flow of traffic, use of space, and creating a welcoming atmosphere.
  8. Ivanka and Lex discuss the emotional impact of design, comparing it to the joy and recognition seen in interactions with pets and children, and the importance of creating spaces that evoke similar feelings.


  1. Ivanka Trump discusses the daily struggle with self-doubt and the desire to improve in various aspects of life, including being a better mother, wife, and more creative and physically stronger.
  2. She reflects on growing up as the child of two extraordinarily successful parents, which could have been debilitating due to the fear of not measuring up.
  3. Ivanka mentions that many of her friends in similar circumstances were afraid to try due to this fear, but she learned to harness it to push herself outside of her comfort zone.
  4. She emphasizes the importance of humility and the constant strive for improvement, acknowledging that as one gets older, this fear softens with more experience and examples of overcoming challenges.
  5. Ivanka believes that if the fear of not being good enough is absent, one is not challenging themselves enough.


  1. The discussion revolves around the importance of intuition in decision-making, emphasizing the need to trust one's instincts.
  2. Ivanka Trump explains that intuition is a blend of gut feeling and accumulated knowledge, which becomes more refined with age and experience.
  3. She highlights that intuition often aligns with one's core values, making decisions feel right on a personal level.
  4. Ivanka mentions that she usually starts with her intuition and then rigorously tests it to ensure its validity, rarely going against her initial instinct.
  5. A contrasting perspective is provided by a business owner who discusses the impulsiveness of youth and how it can lead to significant breakthroughs.
  6. The business owner notes that with age and family responsibilities, impulsiveness may decrease, leading to more rational and thoughtful decision-making.
  7. Ivanka agrees that while impulsiveness may reduce with age, the experience gained makes one's instincts more attuned and well-honed, reducing the recklessness of youth.

The Apprentice

  1. Ivanka Trump reflects on her time on 'The Apprentice,' noting it was a significant learning experience due to her young age and the show's success.
  2. The show was a groundbreaking business program that became a global phenomenon and was studied in business schools for its innovative tasks.
  3. Ivanka highlights the importance of teamwork, marketing, and time management, which were crucial elements of the show's challenges.
  4. Filming often took place early in the morning at Trump Tower, blending real-life business with television production.
  5. Ivanka experienced a unique crossover where contestants created campaigns for her business ventures, making the experience surreal yet beneficial.
  6. Despite the success, Ivanka found it challenging to watch herself on television, feeling self-conscious compared to her father, who was more at ease on camera.

Michael Jackson

  1. Certain people are born to be entertainers, feeling truly alive on stage. They don't just perform; they belong there and want to be there forever.
  2. Michael Jackson exemplified this, transforming from a shy, quiet person offstage to a vibrant performer onstage.
  3. Ivanka Trump shared a personal anecdote about Michael Jackson attending her performance of 'The Nutcracker' at Lincoln Center when she was a child.
  4. All the dancers were excited and wore one glove in honor of Michael Jackson, highlighting his influence and iconic status.
  5. Ivanka observed the stark contrast between Michael Jackson's offstage shyness and his onstage vitality, underscoring his natural talent and passion for performing.


  1. The speaker expresses admiration for people who find their passion, using Paul Rosalie as an example. Paul Rosalie feels at home in the jungle, showing immense joy and happiness when immersed in nature.
  2. Ivanka Trump reflects on an interview with Paul Rosalie, noting his infectious passion for animals, particularly snakes. She appreciates his description of trees as 'skyscrapers of life.'
  3. The conversation shifts to the historical significance of buildings in Europe, likening them to ancient trees. Both structures and trees emanate stories and history, creating a visceral connection to the past.
  4. The speaker shares their experience of climbing ancient trees, feeling the power and history they hold. This connection to nature is described as humbling and beautiful.
  5. Ivanka Trump expresses a desire to disconnect and experience nature deeply. She emphasizes the humbling realization of being a small part of a larger living organism, Earth.
  6. The speaker recounts spending time alone in the jungle, highlighting the profound impact of solitude and immersion in nature. The sounds of animals and the absence of human noise create a lasting impression.
  7. A humorous observation is made about monogamous birds like macaws, which seem to bicker loudly. This is contrasted with the romanticized view of their lifelong partnership.
  8. Ivanka Trump discusses the humbling experience of surfing, feeling small amidst the vast ocean. This connection to nature, free from distractions, is described as beautiful and grounding.


  1. The speaker expresses a love for swimming in the ocean, feeling the immense power of the ocean beneath them, and recognizing their smallness in comparison.
  2. In surfing, unlike other water sports, the speaker feels a sense of harmony with the environment rather than manipulating it. They appreciate the flow and the choice of waves to surf, understanding the ocean without trying to control it.
  3. The speaker describes the experience of falling while surfing, noting that people often only share successful moments. They admit to being a novice but express a deep love for the sport and the ocean.
  4. The hardest part of surfing, according to the speaker, is paddling out. They describe the challenge of being caught in the impact zone where waves continuously crash over them, emphasizing the importance of staying calm and flowing with the waves until a break allows them to paddle out or back to the beach.

Donald Trump

  1. Ivanka Trump describes the sudden and intense change in her life when her father, Donald Trump, decided to run for president. She learned about his candidacy only two weeks before the announcement, and their lives were not prepared for the political spotlight.
  2. The experience of the campaign was extraordinary and intense, with a lot of scrutiny and noise. Ivanka found it challenging to acclimate but also saw it as a significant growth experience, exposing her to diverse communities and personal stories.
  3. Ivanka recounts how people would share their deepest fears and hopes with her, hoping that their stories would reach the future president. This level of candor and vulnerability was unlike anything she had experienced before, even compared to her time on 'The Apprentice.'
  4. In the White House, Ivanka observed that people believed she could help with their troubles, leading them to share their stories in a raw and vulnerable manner. She recalls a poignant story of a man in New Hampshire who shared his family's struggles with opioid addiction.
  5. Ivanka reflects on the beauty and unity of the country, despite apparent political divisions. She believes that most people are not as divided as media and social media portray, and that the majority of Americans share common hopes and dreams for their families and communities.
  6. The campaign lifted Ivanka out of her bubble, exposing her to a broader range of viewpoints and experiences. She realized how limited her previous exposure had been and grew significantly from the experience.
  7. Ivanka discusses the vitriol in politics, noting that while it may seem more amplified due to social media, politics has always been contentious. She believes that most people are not participating in the loud, divisive rhetoric and are more focused on their personal aspirations.
  8. Ivanka explains her decision to join the White House as an advisor. Initially, she had no intention of joining, but her father's trust and the opportunity to make a difference led her to accept the role. She felt a sense of duty to help address the problems and experiences of Americans.
  9. Ivanka shares a story of a woman who lost her job and home during the recession, highlighting the struggles many Americans face. This story and others like it motivated her to join the White House and work towards creating better support structures for people in need.
  10. Ivanka feels privileged to have spent four years in Washington, believing she made a positive impact. She acknowledges the turmoil of politics but felt it was worth it to help people and address their concerns.


  1. Ivanka Trump describes the difficulty of getting things done in Washington due to the political environment. Many prefer to cling to problems and talking points rather than work on solutions.
  2. She highlights the effort required to pass significant policies, such as the child tax credit, which involved extensive meetings and campaigning to convince lawmakers and constituents of its importance.
  3. The child tax credit doubled, benefiting 40 million American families with an average of $2,200 each year. Ivanka shares a story of Brittany Houseman, who benefited from these policies and went on to help others.
  4. Ivanka emphasizes the importance of paid family leave and the challenges of getting bipartisan support for such policies. She notes that 9 million more Americans gained access to paid family leave during her tenure.
  5. She discusses the need for humility and active listening in policy-making, acknowledging that good ideas can come from across the political spectrum.
  6. Ivanka reflects on the Great American Outdoors Act, a significant conservation legislation, and the importance of modernizing vocational education through Perkins CTE.
  7. She talks about the emotional toll of working on issues like human trafficking and the importance of hearing survivors' stories to inform policy decisions.
  8. Ivanka stresses the need for trust and courage among politicians to deviate from their talking points and work towards beneficial policies.

Work-life balance

  1. Ivanka Trump discusses the elusive nature of work-life balance, emphasizing that balance can be disrupted by unforeseen events like a child's illness or a major work deadline.
  2. She suggests reframing the concept of balance to living in accordance with one's priorities over a longer period, such as a week or a month, rather than daily.
  3. Ivanka reflects on her time in the White House, describing it as a finite and exhausting period where the pressure to serve often conflicted with personal priorities.
  4. She shares the emotional challenge of feeling guilty for not always advancing the interests of the people she met while serving, which made it difficult to be present with her family.
  5. Ivanka highlights the importance of her support system, particularly her husband Jared and their children, in helping her navigate the demands of her role.
  6. She recounts the joy and grounding effect of small family moments, such as her son Theo making her coffee in the mornings, which provided a sense of normalcy and levity.
  7. Ivanka notes that her children were young during their time in Washington, which allowed them to shield the kids from the political turmoil and maintain a relatively normal upbringing.
  8. She humorously mentions their pets, including a large dog named Simba and a hamster named Buster, which added to the family's dynamic.


  1. Ivanka Trump emphasizes the importance of cultivating empathy as a parent. She believes that understanding each child's unique personality and needs is crucial.
  2. She shares a personal anecdote about dancing in the rain with her daughter Arabella, highlighting the joy and spontaneity children bring into life.
  3. Ivanka discusses how her children have taught her to be present and enjoy simple pleasures, such as playing games with her son Theo and appreciating nature with her son Joseph.
  4. She reflects on the challenges of balancing the different needs of her children, especially when they compete or have conflicts. Ivanka stresses the importance of allowing children to solve their own problems while intervening when necessary.
  5. Ivanka talks about the difficulty of not projecting future outcomes based on current sibling conflicts, recognizing that such conflicts are a normal part of growing up.
  6. She explains her approach to handling public criticism and attacks, choosing not to engage in negative speech and focusing on what matters more to her.
  7. Ivanka mentions the Jewish concept of 'lashon hara' (evil speech) and how it influences her decision to avoid retaliating against attacks, believing it would harm her soul.
  8. She quotes Dolly Parton on the importance of love and acceptance over condemnation and criticism, aligning with her own philosophy.
  9. Ivanka reflects on personal growth, citing Alan Watts' idea that one is not obligated to remain the same person they were five minutes ago. She believes in evolving and becoming a better version of oneself.
  10. She concludes by discussing how her ambitions have become more integrated into her life, focusing on simple pleasures and being present with her family.

2024 presidential campaign

  1. Ivanka Trump decided not to engage in the 2024 presidential campaign to prioritize her young children and private family life.
  2. She expressed her love and support for her father but chose to do so outside the political arena, valuing her role as a parent more.
  3. Ivanka believes that politics is a demanding field that requires full commitment, which she is not willing to give at this point in her children's lives.
  4. She feels privileged to have served the American people but now finds it important to focus on her family and community service.
  5. Ivanka acknowledges the negativity and darkness in politics, which conflicts with her personal values and well-being.
  6. She finds community service with her children equally meaningful and fulfilling compared to government service.
  7. Ivanka expresses pain over her father's legal troubles but emphasizes her love for him and hopes that love will prevail amidst the turmoil.

Dolly Parton

  1. The conversation begins with a light-hearted mention of Dolly Parton, leading to mutual admiration for her.
  2. Ivanka Trump expresses her admiration for Dolly Parton, highlighting her authenticity and talent.
  3. Ivanka appreciates Dolly's lack of internal conflict and her secure sense of self, comparing her to her own mother.
  4. Dolly Parton's ability to lead with love and positivity is noted as a significant trait.
  5. Lex Fridman adds that Dolly is not only a great musician and performer but also enjoys creating and having fun with her image.
  6. Both agree that Dolly's enjoyment of her work is evident and that she would not continue if she didn't love it.
  7. Dolly Parton is recognized as an iconic country musician and singer.


  1. Adele is described as extraordinary with an unreal voice.
  2. She is considered highly talented and unique.
  3. Her music appeals to a wide age range, from three-year-olds to ninety-year-olds.
  4. Arabella's first concert was Adele's at Madison Square Garden when she was around four.
  5. Such broad resonance across different age groups is rare.

Alice Johnson

  1. Ivanka Trump discusses a profound experience she had with her children and Alice Johnson, whose sentence was commuted by her father, former President Donald Trump. Alice Johnson shared her story with Ivanka's children, making abstract policy tangible for them.
  2. Alice Johnson talked about the plays she organized in prison, which were highly popular and emotionally significant for the inmates. These plays provided a rare opportunity for inmates to experience applause and recognition.
  3. After her release, Alice Johnson worked with Ivanka Trump on 23 different pardons or commutations, extending the opportunity she received to others. This collaboration had a significant impact on many lives.
  4. Ivanka reflects on the broader issues within the justice system, particularly the harsh sentences for nonviolent drug offenses. She mentions the case of a person who received a life sentence for selling marijuana, highlighting the need for reform.
  5. Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner contributed to criminal justice reform through the First Step Act, a significant piece of legislation that provided many people with a second chance.
  6. In the final days of the administration, Ivanka focused on pardons and commutations, aiming to use the remaining time for maximum impact. She recounts a poignant moment of informing a mother that her son would be released the next day.
  7. The conversation ends with a light-hearted note about Ivanka, Alice Johnson, and Ivanka's children enjoying an Adele concert, symbolizing the positive outcomes of their efforts in criminal justice reform.

Stevie Ray Vaughan

  1. Adele's stage presence and vocal power are highlighted, emphasizing her ability to convey a mix of emotions such as anger and love in her songs like 'Rolling in the Deep.'
  2. The conversation shifts to the availability of live music performances on YouTube, where one can watch old shows of artists like Stevie Ray Vaughan and Django Reinhardt.
  3. Ivanka and Lex share a mutual admiration for Stevie Ray Vaughan, particularly his song 'Texas Flood,' which Lex mentions was the first guitar solo he learned and finds it fun to improvise.
  4. Ivanka expresses her desire to learn to play 'Texas Flood' as a bucket list item and encourages Lex to perform it live or upload it to YouTube.
  5. The discussion also touches on other great live performers, including Chris Stapleton and Lucas Nelson, and the joy of watching old performances of Django Reinhardt, who played guitar with remarkable skill despite physical limitations.

Aretha Franklin

  1. Aretha Franklin's live performance of 'Amazing Grace' is highly influential, especially to artists like Adele.
  2. The performance took place at the Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles and is known for its stripped-down, raw emotion.
  3. Aretha's ability to convey pain and soulfulness through her voice is profoundly moving, often bringing listeners to tears.
  4. Adele is noted to carry a similar spirit in her music, with a commanding voice that can stand alone without instrumental accompaniment.
  5. The experience of watching Aretha's performance is enhanced by the choir's gradual participation, adding to the overall emotional impact.

Freddie Mercury

  1. The conversation begins with an admiration for Queen and Freddie Mercury's performances, highlighting his exceptional vocal talent and stage presence.
  2. The Live Aid performance by Queen is mentioned as one of the best, with specific reference to the 'Radio Ga Ga' segment where the audience mimics Mercury's arm movements.
  3. The speakers express their admiration for Freddie Mercury, noting how he was born to be on stage and how much they miss him.
  4. The discussion shifts to the experience of live music, emphasizing its unique ability to make people feel present and the communal aspect of attending concerts with friends.
  5. The conversation briefly touches on the anticipation and excitement of choosing and waiting for a live music show.
  6. The dialogue ends with a transition to the topic of training in jiu-jitsu.

Jiu jitsu

  1. Ivanka Trump discusses her introduction to jiu-jitsu, which began when her 11-year-old daughter expressed a desire to learn self-defense. This led Ivanka to the Valente Brothers' studio in Miami, where her entire family eventually joined the practice.
  2. Ivanka highlights the empowering nature of jiu-jitsu, emphasizing the confidence and calm it provides by teaching self-defense skills. She notes that humans have largely lost the instinct to protect themselves, unlike other animals.
  3. The practice of jiu-jitsu has made Ivanka and her family more aware of their surroundings, reducing distractions like phone use in potentially dangerous situations. This heightened awareness is seen as a significant benefit of the training.
  4. Ivanka praises the Valente Brothers for their 7-5-3 code, which incorporates samurai principles and focuses on virtues like benevolence, fitness, nutrition, and awareness. Her children have memorized these principles and apply them in daily life.
  5. The 7-5-3 code serves as a framework for discussing life events and moral lessons within Ivanka's family, similar to how religion might function in other households. This integration of philosophy and martial arts enriches their practice.
  6. Ivanka appreciates the Valente Brothers' emphasis on the philosophical and historical aspects of martial arts, not just the physical sport. This holistic approach includes teachings on Eastern philosophies like wuwei, or soft resistance.
  7. The self-defense aspect of jiu-jitsu is crucial, providing practical skills for real-world situations. Ivanka values the confidence and awareness this training instills, helping to navigate a world where violence is a possibility.
  8. The conversation touches on the humbling nature of jiu-jitsu and other sports, which offer clear, honest feedback through physical challenges. This humility is seen as a valuable life lesson.

Bucket list

  1. Ivanka Trump emphasizes the importance of maintaining a long bucket list and staying curious. She believes that boredom is a sign of a lack of curiosity and encourages her children to always find something to learn.
  2. She is currently involved in incubating businesses and investing in companies, which she finds exciting and plans to continue doing. Additionally, she is passionate about her real estate ventures.
  3. Ivanka has several adventurous goals, including climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. She wants to share this experience with her children, making it a family adventure.
  4. She is interested in participating in an archery competition in Mongolia with her daughter Arabella, who loves horseback riding. This reflects her desire to combine her interests with family activities.
  5. Ivanka wants to experience getting barreled by a wave and learn to play the song 'Texas Flood.' She also dreams of seeing the Northern Lights, which she finds beautiful.
  6. Another long-term goal is to earn a black belt in jiu-jitsu, inspired by Lex Fridman. She acknowledges that this will take time but is committed to achieving it within the next decade.
  7. Ivanka expresses a desire to go to space, specifically to the Moon. She finds the idea of seeing Earth from space awe-inspiring and believes it would enhance appreciation for our planet.
  8. She hopes that interplanetary travel will highlight the preciousness of Earth and encourage its protection. Ivanka discusses the human inclination towards exploration and the potential benefits of space travel, including strategic and security advantages.


  1. Ivanka Trump expresses that she feels a lot of hope when she is in nature. She finds solace and optimism in the natural world, which rejuvenates her spirit.
  2. She also feels hope when she encounters people who are good, honest, pure, true, and passionate. These positive human interactions are not uncommon and contribute to her hopeful outlook.
  3. Ivanka and Lex Fridman agree that humanity, despite its flaws, is capable of creating beautiful things. They acknowledge that while humans are not always perfect, they often do well and have the potential to achieve greatness.
  4. Lex Fridman expresses his admiration for Ivanka's accomplishments and encourages her to continue building and creating beautiful things in the world.
  5. The conversation concludes with Lex thanking Ivanka for the discussion and sharing a quote from Marcus Aurelius about appreciating the beauty of life and the universe.