Unveiling Prophecies: Symbols and Catastrophes

InfoThis is a summary of the following YouTube video:

驚悚巧合?卡牌中的隱秘符號在現實中出現!之後還會經濟崩盤、戰爭、以及一場大地震? | 馬臉姐


Aug 2, 2024



Illuminati card predictions eerily align with events

  1. The video discusses an incident involving Donald Trump on July 13, 2024, during a campaign event in Pennsylvania. Trump was on stage when he turned his head slightly, which allegedly saved his life and potentially altered the course of American history.
  2. Shortly after this incident, a set of cards from a game published 29 years ago was found to have two cards that eerily resembled the event. One card depicted a charismatic leader speaking to a crowd, while another showed a leader with a red line passing by his right side, similar to Trump's situation.
  3. The card also had the phrase 'Anytime, anywhere, our snipers will guide you. Have a nice day,' which adds to the uncanny resemblance to the real-life event where Trump shouted 'fight' after being injured, matching the card's expression.
  4. The video suggests that this is just one of 330 cards in the set, hinting at other potentially shocking predictions within the remaining cards.
  5. The video is part of a series by the creator, who invites viewers interested in mysterious stories and historical events to join their team, indicating a focus on exploring such intriguing topics.

Illuminati card game eerily predicted events

  1. The narrator reflects on the pressure faced when discussing the Illuminati card game, which was previously flagged on YouTube, raising questions about its controversial nature.
  2. The Illuminati card game, designed by Steve Jackson and released in 1995, involves players acting as conspiracy groups using various tactics to control the world.
  3. Initially, the game was not very popular until the events of September 11, 2001, when people noticed the game had seemingly predicted the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
  4. A specific card depicted two tall buildings with one on fire, resembling the Twin Towers attack, and another card showed the Pentagon, leading to widespread conspiracy theories.
  5. The card's artist, Dan Smith, clarified that the card was meant to depict nuclear weapons, not the Twin Towers, as nuclear discussions were prevalent at the time.

Illuminati cards eerily predict real events

  1. The text discusses the eerie coincidences between events depicted in the Illuminati card game and real-world occurrences, such as the 9/11 attacks. It questions the accuracy of these predictions and their implications.
  2. The narrative begins with a description of a card depicting a nuclear explosion, questioning why the explosion only affects part of a building and not its surroundings, challenging the realism of such a depiction.
  3. The text then transitions to the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, highlighting the economic turmoil that followed, including the 2007-2008 global financial crisis triggered by the U.S. subprime mortgage market collapse.
  4. It explains how the 9/11 attacks led to unprecedented economic chaos in the U.S., with stock market trading halting temporarily and the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeting by 14.3% upon reopening.
  5. The Federal Reserve's response to the economic downturn involved lowering interest rates to stimulate growth, which initially led to a housing market boom as more people were willing to take loans and buy homes.
  6. However, the text notes that this housing boom eventually contributed to the financial crisis, as more people entered the housing market, leading to unsustainable price increases and eventual market collapse.

Subprime mortgage crisis led to global crash

  1. Banks offered subprime mortgages to individuals with unstable incomes or no jobs, aiming to earn more money. These loans were given to people with little to no creditworthiness.
  2. Banks, aware of the borrowers' inability to repay, packaged these risky loans into financial products and sold them to others. This shifted the risk from the banks to investors.
  3. Lehman Brothers was a major player in this financial scheme, purchasing high-risk subprime mortgage securities and using high leverage to sell them to investors for higher returns.
  4. The housing market boomed as everyone was buying houses and making money, fueled by low interest rates and easy access to loans.
  5. The Federal Reserve intervened by raising interest rates from 1% to 5.25% between 2004 and 2006 to control inflation, which made it difficult for borrowers to repay their loans.
  6. As borrowers defaulted, they had to foreclose their homes, but high interest rates deterred new buyers, leading to a housing market crash.
  7. The value of financial products linked to subprime mortgages plummeted, resulting in Lehman Brothers' bankruptcy and triggering a global financial crisis.
  8. The Washington Post reported that the financial crisis caused a $2 trillion loss in global economic growth, equivalent to about 4% of the world's money evaporating.

Illuminati cards eerily predict real events

  1. The Illuminati card game has cards that seemingly predicted real-world events, such as the financial crisis caused by risky mortgages. The 'Savings and Loans' card depicts a house being foreclosed, reflecting the 2008 financial crisis where millions lost their homes.
  2. The card game also appears to have predicted the Occupy Wall Street movement. On September 17, 2011, protests began against economic inequality and wealth distribution, echoing the themes depicted in the cards.
  3. The accuracy of these predictions has led some to speculate whether the Illuminati controls the world. This theory is fueled by the cards' repeated alignment with real events.
  4. The creator of the Illuminati card game, Steve Jackson, explained that the cards were designed based on the world's situation at the time. For example, in 1995, there was widespread concern about nuclear weapons, influencing the card designs.

Card predictions reflect psychological biases

  1. The text discusses the depiction of events like mushroom clouds on a card representing World War III, highlighting how such imagery reflects historical fears and predictions.
  2. In the late 20th century, the greenhouse effect became a significant concern, leading to the establishment of a UN committee to study climate change. This concern was mirrored in the card's design, which included global warming and rising sea levels.
  3. The fear of a supervolcano eruption in Yellowstone was also captured in the card imagery, reflecting American anxieties about natural disasters.
  4. Financial crises, such as the Wall Street crash, were also depicted on the cards, suggesting a predictive element about future economic turmoil.
  5. The text explains a psychological effect where people retrospectively search for predictions in past events, selecting cards that match their expectations, such as the 'Oil Spill' card, which was thought to predict the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
  6. The 2010 Gulf oil spill resulted in 11 deaths and 4 million barrels of oil spilling into the ocean, causing severe ecological damage, the worst in U.S. history.
  7. Some believed the card predicted this event because it depicted an oil-covered bird, but this image was actually from a 2002 Spanish oil spill, unrelated to the Gulf incident.
  8. This illustrates a psychological tendency where people believe what they want to believe, a concept explored in psychology.

Coincidences in cards spark conspiracy theories

  1. The concept of confirmation bias is explained, where individuals tend to find evidence that supports their pre-existing beliefs. For example, some people believe that the Illuminati cards have predictive powers, such as the 'Pandemic' card, which was thought to predict the COVID-19 outbreak due to its imagery of masks and quarantine. However, masks are common medical tools and do not specifically indicate COVID-19.
  2. The text questions whether the Illuminati cards truly predict events or if people are simply imagining connections. It suggests that while many cards can be explained away, some remain inexplicable, leading to further intrigue and speculation.
  3. A specific incident from August 30, 1997, is recounted, involving a high-speed car chase in Paris that resulted in a crash in the Alma Tunnel. This event is famously known for the tragic death of Princess Diana, who was a beloved public figure and part of the British royal family.
  4. Princess Diana's background is briefly covered, highlighting her noble birth, education, and her marriage to Prince Charles, which was a highly publicized and admired event. Her life and untimely death have been subjects of public fascination and conspiracy theories.
  5. The text mentions that Steve Jackson, the creator of the Illuminati card game, included the royal couple in his cards, which adds to the eerie coincidences and theories surrounding the cards' supposed predictive nature.

Diana's death linked to conspiracy theories

  1. Princess Diana's death in a car accident has led to widespread conspiracy theories suggesting it was not an accident but a deliberate act by the British royal family. This belief stems from her high public support and criticism of the royal family, which was seen as a threat to their image.
  2. At the time of her death, Diana was dating businessman Dodi Fayed, and there were claims that she was pregnant with his child. This relationship was reportedly intolerable to the conservative British royal family, fueling further speculation about foul play.
  3. The official investigation by British police concluded that the accident was a tragic incident caused by the driver trying to evade paparazzi while driving at high speed and under the influence of alcohol. The lack of seatbelt use by the passengers contributed to the fatalities.
  4. A peculiar coincidence is noted with the Illuminati card game, which allegedly predicted Diana's death with a card named 'Princess Di.' This card eerily states that 'Princess Di' would not be attacked except by the media, paralleling the real-life media chase that preceded the accident.
  5. The narrative suggests that if the media had not pursued Diana or had acted to help rather than photograph the scene, she might have survived the crash. This adds to the mystery and conspiracy theories surrounding her death.

Illuminati cards eerily predict disasters

  1. The Southeast Asian islands are popular tourist destinations, but on December 26, 2004, they became sites of devastation due to a massive undersea earthquake off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. This earthquake, measuring between 9.1 and 9.3 in magnitude, was caused by the violent collision and sliding of the Indo-Australian and Myanmar tectonic plates.
  2. The earthquake triggered a large-scale tsunami that affected 14 countries, with some areas experiencing waves as high as 30 meters. This disaster resulted in hundreds of thousands of casualties, marking it as one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history, with Indonesia suffering the most severe impact.
  3. Strangely, after the disaster, people noticed a tsunami card in the Illuminati card game that depicted the National Monument of Indonesia in Jakarta, leading to speculation that the card predicted the disaster. This connection is puzzling and difficult to explain.
  4. The Illuminati card game is also believed to have predicted the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck the Tohoku region of Japan, followed by a tsunami that caused severe damage, including a nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
  5. The earthquake and tsunami led to a power outage, cooling system failure, reactor overheating, and hydrogen explosions at the plant, resulting in a radiation leak. The Illuminati card game features a nuclear accident card that eerily resembles these events, with visible cracks and strange red dots, adding to the mystery.

Illuminati card game predicts global events

  1. The text discusses the uncanny resemblance between a card from the Illuminati card game and the Fukushima nuclear disaster, suggesting the card might have predicted the event. This has led some to believe that the game reveals the Illuminati's plans for the world.
  2. The text questions how a regular game company could know about the Illuminati's plans, proposing that a hacker might be involved. It mentions a raid by special agents on Steve Jackson's office five years before the card's release in 1990.
  3. The raid was due to an employee, Loyd Blankenship, being a skilled hacker. By day, he was an ordinary worker, but at night, he became a hacker capable of accessing government secrets. He even wrote a famous hacker manifesto expressing dissatisfaction with the government.
  4. In his manifesto, Blankenship criticized the government for creating atomic bombs and starting wars while labeling hackers as criminals. He famously stated that his crime was curiosity and judging people by their actions, not appearances, and claimed intelligence as his crime.
  5. Despite the raid, no evidence of Blankenship's crimes was found, and Steve Jackson's company sued the special agents, winning $50,000 in compensation. This incident fuels speculation about Blankenship's potential involvement in revealing secret plans.

Illuminati card predicted Trump's 2024 incident

  1. The text discusses a conspiracy theory about the Illuminati card game, suggesting it can predict future events. This theory lacks substantial evidence and is based on people's willingness to believe what they want.
  2. Recently, the Illuminati card game was said to have predicted a significant event involving Donald Trump, a 2024 U.S. presidential candidate. This prediction is considered difficult to dismiss as mere coincidence.
  3. In 2020, Trump lost the presidential election to Joe Biden but announced his candidacy for the 2024 election in 2022, actively participating in political activities since then.
  4. On July 13, 2024, Trump attended a campaign rally in Butler as part of his presidential campaign. The event was well-attended, with supporters cheering loudly as his motorcade arrived.
  5. The rally location was secured with Secret Service agents and local law enforcement snipers positioned on nearby buildings.
  6. At 6:05 PM, Trump began his speech, which proceeded normally until six minutes later when a gunshot interrupted the event. Trump reacted by covering his ears, and more gunshots followed, prompting Secret Service agents to rush to the stage.

Illuminati card predicted Trump's assassination attempt

  1. The text describes an incident involving Donald Trump where a gunman was subdued shortly after the first shot was fired. Despite the tense situation, Trump managed to maintain his composure and addressed his supporters with the words 'Fight, Fight, Fight.'
  2. This moment was eerily similar to an image depicted on an Illuminati card, which some believed foreshadowed an assassination attempt on Trump. The card ominously stated that snipers could take him down at any time and place.
  3. The card's illustration bore a striking resemblance to Trump's expression during the incident, particularly when he shouted 'fight.' The card was titled 'Enough,' which seemed to resonate with Trump's sentiment at the time.
  4. A peculiar red line appeared on the card, which seemed to mirror the situation Trump faced, as it was interpreted to represent a trajectory similar to the path of the bullet during the incident.
  5. The accuracy of the Illuminati card's prediction led to suspicions about the nature of the assassination attempt, with some speculating that it was not a straightforward incident. Local police had already been aware of suspicious activity before Trump's speech but lost track of the suspect.

Simpsons predicted future events accurately

  1. The investigation revealed that the gunman acted in an area guarded by special forces and security personnel, yet it was ordinary citizens who first spotted the gunman and alerted others. This raises suspicions about whether the gunman was exceptionally skilled or if there was a deliberate oversight.
  2. In addition to the Illuminati cards, some people also predicted future events involving Trump. On July 14, 2024, the day after Trump was attacked, observant netizens noticed that Channel 4 suddenly changed its schedule, replacing a Simpsons episode featuring an assassination scene with another episode, likely due to the sensitivity of the content.
  3. Despite attempts to avoid attention, the Simpsons cartoon drew public interest again after Biden announced his withdrawal from the election, endorsing Kamala Harris as his replacement. This was reminiscent of a 2000 Simpsons episode predicting a future female president in the U.S.
  4. In the 2000 episode, the Simpsons depicted a future where a female president emerges, and 20 years later, Kamala Harris, wearing an outfit almost identical to the one in the episode, was sworn in. If Harris is nominated and wins the presidential election, it would add to the list of successful predictions by the Simpsons.

Predictions of political and financial events

  1. The Simpsons cartoon is renowned for its accurate predictions, including Donald Trump's presidency before his first election campaign. This has led to speculation about its predictive power.
  2. In 2020, Kamala Harris was humorously depicted as a squid, hinting at her potential future as President of the United States, though this remains speculative.
  3. A more complex prediction involved a YouTube user named Brandon Biggs, who foresaw a life-threatening event for Trump months before it happened, describing a bullet's path in detail.
  4. Brandon claimed his visions were divinely inspired, often seeing future events in dreams where God showed him detailed scenes.
  5. In March, Brandon had another vision where God told him to watch for rapid developments around Christmas, including financial, political, and war-related accelerations.
  6. These predictions suggest a period of significant change, with rapid developments expected in various global sectors.

Predictions about Trump and future events

  1. The text discusses a prediction that Trump will win the presidential election and that Jesus will return soon. It also mentions that the world's climate will become more extreme.
  2. A significant future event predicted is a ten-magnitude earthquake on the New Madrid fault. The text describes Chinook helicopters flying in from the west coast to aid people, flying so low that they shake houses.
  3. Despite these alarming predictions, the text suggests not to worry too much as the predictor, Brand, has a low accuracy rate. Past predictions, such as silver reaching $100 per ounce and a large-scale electromagnetic pulse affecting the US, did not occur.
  4. The text contrasts Brand's predictions with those of Baba Vanga, who is noted for a high accuracy rate. The team of 'Ma Lian Jie' is currently collecting data on Baba Vanga's predictions.
  5. Another predictor, Judy Hevenly, also made predictions about Trump, including threats to his life and a decline in Biden's approval rating leading to his withdrawal from the race. These events have reportedly occurred.
  6. Hevenly also predicted that Biden's position might be taken over by Hillary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, or Gretchen Whitmer, but as of July 26, Kamala Harris is the most likely candidate to replace Biden.

Predictions about global political events

  1. The text discusses the potential nomination of Jin Li, with anticipation surrounding the outcome. It highlights the uncertainty and public interest in this political development.
  2. Judy mentions that Putin is expected to be re-elected as President, and the ongoing war will continue unless the US and other countries stop supporting Ukraine. This prediction is seen as already coming true by some.
  3. There is a debate on whether these predictions are truly prophetic, as some argue that anyone with common sense could foresee such outcomes.
  4. Judy also predicts a royal family member in the UK will pass away this year, causing concern due to her past accurate prediction of the Queen's death in 2022.
  5. The text notes that both King Charles and Princess Kate have been diagnosed with cancer, adding to the anxiety over Judy's predictions.
  6. Despite the unsettling nature of these predictions, the text reassures readers not to fear, suggesting that widespread awareness of predictions can prevent them from happening.
  7. The text references Mark Twain's quote about worrying over things that never happen, implying that awareness and concern can avert negative events.
  8. The text ends with a call to action for viewers to like, subscribe, and follow on various platforms, emphasizing engagement with the content creator.